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  1. evil_elmo

    fluval FX6

    hot off the press fluval FX6 for you all you FX5 fans http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/c ... p?sid=5673
  2. good on you for willing to spend the money! like most hardcore marine people will know that this is not a cheap hobby from setting up, maintaining, live stock...etc Drilling and sumping is highly recommended but the only thing is that the juwel cabinet isnt the biggest so your sump design will be limited. Brands that i would recommend would be deltec, tunze, ecotech vortech take it slow, do alot of research and have fun good luck
  3. giant gourami for the win
  4. having a reef tank is a addiction which costs heaps to stock and maintain, having just marine fish is easy and not that costly i say go for it if you have the spare cash
  5. ef9 on nzh is my other welder but he isnt doing them at the moment.....he is a amazing welder, my last stand was dead level R32GOTMLK (matt) built me a awesome timber stand, also dead level
  6. lol no XB....just had to replace a mdf stand, water damaged from the earthquakes R32GOTMLK built me a lovely timber stand....highly recommended :happy1:
  7. i find it needs moderate to high light but it is a slow grower
  8. i'm so sorry for hijacking your thread Ismart120 i think its Marsh pennywort http://www.plantgeek.net/plant-127.htm
  9. this was a spare tank i had and thought i can breed some guppies for my arowana to play with hehehe i dont give his tank much of my time, just feed every couple of days and water change every 2weeks...not sure what the survival rate is but the number seems to be growing
  10. i got my bottle many years ago from a place in hornby cant remember the name anymore yeah only guppies and some swordtails
  11. there setup looks good, the big school of cardinals looks awesome i'm running a 5kg bottle of co2 which lasts about a year for me only took a month to do a full carpet....flourish is great stuff but this tank seems pretty stable without it and i save myself $125 for a bottle!
  12. tank has been setup for about 6 weeks now, dosed flourish excel for the fist 2 weeks until i ran out, now i dont dose with anything i run a Pressurized co2 about 2-3 bubbles a second, lights are 2 factory juwel tubes plus 2 juwel colour tubes....i just used whatever i had at home i filled up the tank again
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