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Posts posted by Juse

  1. I have had him for 3 months now - same as all me otha fishies.

    I don't think he hates things lol...altho maybe he likes the other guys names :lol: :lol: :lol: (all the others are named after Rap stars etc ) so the have 'tough' names haha.

    but seriously now, I have seen him chasing the others around a lil bit...but not as much as he used to.

  2. A cardinal fighter would be interesting indeed!!

    I am not 100% sure if he is hurting the others. One of my harlequins has a bung eye and a scratch (i have posted something in the diseses area in relation to this) and I'm thinking that Thor could be the culprit :cry:

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhh.....he's just trying to be the 'big man' lol

    Thanks :o) it looked kinda weird the first time he did it, so I was kinda confused.

    And they are by far the coolest fish!!!

    I have never seen him doing it to his reflection tho...maybe he saves that for when I'm not around :lol:

  4. I have a male siamese fighter (Thor) and he is by far, my absolute favourite fish.

    just recently, I have noticed that he likes to chase the other fish around a bit, and he fans out his gills...or something along those lines. Can anyway explain why he does this? :-?

    Thanks :D

  5. One of my harlequins (his name is 50) has a very sore looking eye. It is sorta silver in colour, and kind of sticks out. I think he also has a little scratch on his side - the same side as the eye. My guess is that he has been biten or something by one of my other fish :-? Is there anything I can do for him?

  6. Thanks BlueandKim :)

    Tawa is not toooo far from where I am. However, I know almost NOTHING about fish and breeding them etc. I think I would be slightly out of place, maybe I will read lots of books before going hahaha

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