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Everything posted by Doubie

  1. Doubie


    Thanks all for the help. Probably why they don't travel well (when bought from Trademe) when I am hearing they consume lots of Oxygen! Cheers
  2. Hi all, I am wondering if anyone can let me know where I can obtain some Daphnia to start a culture - tried to get some up from Wellington, but they did not survive the trip. Auckland location preferred and happy to pay fair price. Many thanks
  3. Cheers Darryl...appreciate the suggestions! :bounce:
  4. I'd like to hope so Ira...! Sound like they are hardy little critters though :lol: Cheers
  5. Hi again, Anyone know the correct way to set these up? My 'instructions' are all in Chinese! I have ceramic noodles, carbon, filter wool and nylon 'pot scourer' material and a plastic grate to go into this. Cheers
  6. Again....my thanks to all for feedback and ideas. You are all a wealth of information Cheers
  7. Good point Monaro1. I have seen them about 5mm long before and recall from my long distant youth, that they used to be sold as 'sea monkeys' in the comic books. Couldn't tell you about the nutritional value to be fair, but a colleague of mine from work who keeps seahorses does not think they have a lot. Just looking for something a little different to feed the fish..... Cheers
  8. Many thanks to you both for the feedback. I shall put the 'recipe' to good use this weekend! Cheers
  9. Hi, Hopefully not too dumb a question, but can anyone please let me know how to get brine shrimp from hatchling size up to something visible to adult fish? Cheers
  10. Hi all, Hope someone can point me in the right direction...Have just bought a Jebo R219 aquarium and all instructions are in chinese. Does anyone have any ideas on how to set up (in hood system)? I am new back into the fishkeeping biz and these weren't around 20 year ago :roll: I was supplied filter wool and nylon 'scourer pad' material and a plastic grate system. I imagine that these are like noodles and bio balls in that they will harbour the bacteria as water trickles over them? From the pictures I have, it seems that there is an intake that lifts water into the lid and through this medium and then it exits via a spray bar system onto this media and then back to the tank via a (approx) 50mm hole at the other end. What order should the above media go into the filter and is there anything else I should add to this to improve what is supplied 'standard'. So many questions...... Thanks
  11. Again...thanks all for input. Some good ideas here for sure!
  12. Cheers monaro1. Looks like a trip there on the weekend is in order!
  13. Thanks alanmin4304...appreciate the tip! :bounce:
  14. All, Just the topic I am looking for... I was picking up some plant a while back and recall a tank that apparently had 'silica sand' as the base medium - apparently the plants love this. Anyone have any experience with this? Can you let me know where I might get some in Auckland (Waitakere City would be good) and any known effect on pH? Looking at establishing a 4 ft Jebo mainly discus tank this weekend. Thoughts/feedback appreciated. Cheers Doubie
  15. Hi Pegasus, Caryl, MysticVampyre (and Ballistic) and Mustcooktea Thanks for the warm wishes. My daughter (aged 9) is currently the caretaker of the tank in her room. Problem is my son (aged 11) also wants his own tank. Good idea, big cost in power and another setup...doh! The Inanga are rather a good size now, but were bought from Jansens a while back...apparently good at keeping down the mozzie larvae? and are good company for the comets. I too am living(or reliving I hope) my dreams of fishkeeping through my kids hence my consideration of tank number two already. Used to have a 4 ft tank about maybe 18-20 years back. I am looking forward to a few cichlids and other 'community' based fish all going well. First task to get the plants established and slowly get a few fish once I confer with the caretakers as to what they want. My daughter has already decided Angelfish are compulsory..... Thanks again, will keep my eyes open for other such helpful people on the forum. Cheers Doubie
  16. Hi all, Getting back into fishkeeping again after many years in the 'wilderness' and too little time. Kids are now also interested in helping (see how long this lasts...) and would be grateful if anyone could point me in the direction of any good books/magazines on 'general' stuff and locally available fish (I am in West/Central Auckland). Have joined a local club and will of course be availing myself of some of their wisdom, but with 90 mins of bus travel a day, that gives me some good time to see what I have been missing over these last few years. I have a 90 litre aquarium at the moment (Goldfish and Inanga have just been migrated outside into a bath I acquired after moving house recently) and this will become a starting tank for freshwater tropicals (of some form or other) Thanks in advance to anyone responding. Cheers Doubie
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