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    Auckland Central

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  1. from my exp its best to remove them straight away into a cycled tank. The reason being that if you have any agro cichlids in there they will pick on her and I have had two fish now die while holding due to bullying. I now remove them straight away and they carry full term then spit em free swimming. just my 2c
  2. sweet I hope I can offload some, I dont wanna look after 80+ lol
  3. cool, sounds like they will be getting big soon then. Any idea what I should sell them for when they are around 2-3cm + ??
  4. Thank you all, still trying to get a few spare hours to try and get some decent pics. Just bought a hatchery kit to hatch bbs...first packet still producing the wee shrimp. Man the fry love them! I have to turn the filter reall low and air stone off though so they are more comfy and can eat it all up easily. Put 10 fry in the main 4ft tank in hope of them surviving but has been 48 hours since I have seen them and they may be fish poo now but seeing them hide between rocks and substrate makes me think there is still hope for them! Yeah krib i was surprised how many there are! I hope I can sell some. Will have to open the 2nd packet of bbs mix tonight and get them hatching. How often should i feed these guys? 2-3 times per day of bbs and finely crushed flake? or only once per day
  5. yeah was difficult untill i scared them into the corner then counted and urged 5-10 out at a time...recounted about 5 times, with an average of 84. Heaps of fry for two fish huh! mind you they looked like they were going to explode!
  6. stripped the other one this morn...all went well for first attempt at stripping. have about 80-90 fry now!!! promise to get some pics as soon as i get time! time to fatten em up
  7. not too worry! the first mumma just spat out about 60 wee bubbas! woohoo! /eagerly awaits the 2nd to spit em :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  8. They Are still holding and sorry I Havnt managed to add any pics yet, ive been too busy. They look like they wanna spit em and its really hard to catch a glimpse of the eggs or fish inside their mouths, although it looks alot darker than usual in there! Should i remove the mothers as soon as they spit to stop them from eating the young or should I pop them back in the main tank?
  9. nickyboi

    power bill

    Mine is free, the thief I caught stealing my fish last year has been chained up to a bicycle that generates power through my little home made generator. I suppose the only cost is the odd case of Red Bull when he's tired. I hate power bills
  10. Woop, finally have some holding! Two females been holding for around a week so will have a few for sale in 7-8 weeks. Will keep you updated with some pics
  11. As you type a msg click the Img* button then paste the link from your browsers window where the picture is then without a space click the Img* button again. Keep trying and if it does not work, just edit the post and try again. PM me if you are getting stuck. GL
  12. Oh sorry I missed the humour. Haha hardy hah, I'll remember that one for my next party joke
  13. Sounds like the problems caused by the algae eater have allowed diesese to set in
  14. yeah very good site that one, hehe go the colour coding!
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