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Everything posted by stu_nzl

  1. guess i should have done my research.when i bought the fish they were in the same tank as goldfish and was told they would be fine havent tested the water yet.
  2. i was told that they would be fine in an unheated tank and when researched on the net they can live in 16-32 degrees. yes it did look fungal and i would say that it lead to there death as there were fine until i noticed this disease and the next day they were dead they were both the same colour ( whitish with blue stripes kinda ) they were both the same size about 2 1/2 inches. not sure if they were male or female and the tank was about 16-17 degrees
  3. Only lasted 2 weeks, had purchased two paradise fish from animates which were in with the goldfish and were brought up in an unheated tank. put them in my tank (90L) with 4 other goldfish and all was well until the last few days!! Both of the fish had developed a white fine furry growth over all over there bodies. The fish were floating upside down and really uncoordinated and a day or so later have both died. I have tried to research into diseases but could not find what it could be. The other goldfish in the tank seem fine. I change 25% of the water weekly and am running two large carbon/wool filters. Any help would be much appreciated as i want to get more of these fish as they are a good contrast to the goldfish
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