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steve sisson

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Everything posted by steve sisson

  1. so where do you buy ppmd and what does it stand for also daltons mix where can you buy it from cheers
  2. thanks for info will help a lot cheers looks great
  3. If you don't make mistakes, you can't learn. I do know my plants are legal thank Henrys God.
  4. i have fifty tanks and invested a lot of money in to my hobbie and brought plants from this trader also been to his house most of his plants are now dead thank goodness. what i love about this story is he is a follower of the high and mighty he is a nz citizen which he agreed with following of our laws and now he has cost us tax payers and fishos more than $$$$$ i would of been more than pissed if bio came and killed my set up also the thread should not be stopped beacause he has been found guilty and this club is where we find things out and this info we need to know well had my say but what would happen to a nz citizen who did this to singapore it is scary to think well i am of to kill some plants right now i should be able to do this as my fish do it so well some times
  5. warren would you like me to start a new thread cheers
  6. hi i am looking at building a new tank the design will have 3 curves in the front and one end sent plan to glass shapers and they say in nz they cant do it as they could do 1 curve only so why cant i use 15 to 20 mm plastic can curve easy but will it scratch on inside when cleaning ??tank will be for plants tropical etc cheers for replys
  7. hi will be in puke on saturday where is your shop please
  8. best place tirau tropical blue/ hamilton goldfish bowl /cambridge pet shop cant rem name these are the only ones worth going to
  9. seem to be losing bettas have varyity of comm fish where to you get phos acid from cheers
  10. hi guys i have 1500 ltrs of water with a ph of 7.8 -8.00 kh of 3 in a book i have it says use bicarbonate soda to raise or phosphoric acid to decrese the tank set is as follows dark stones no plants 2 small drift wood,new peat in bags 2 days ago. 450 ltrs in sump 950 ltrs in 20 tanks today i took 1 ltr added 2 mil of ph 7.0 it works but it chemical and i would need 3.00 ltrs to fix problem at $50.00 per 400mls cost to much any ideas appreciated cheers
  11. yes paint its the only one not painted and plant got in overflow pipe cheers
  12. hi every one can across an interesting one today i was sitting in my fish room just looking at the fish and i see that another one of those damm tanks on the top shelf has been overflowing and dripping into lower tanks all my stands are made of tanalised timber as most are now the drip was yellow and not like tank water the yellow is poison tan coming out of wood hense poisining my fish this is one to watch out for maybe
  13. sad to report i have only 1 oscar now thanks for info and feedback cheers
  14. no he stopped eating but looks better today a bit darker in skin and not so much spinning but still not him self may be getting weaker have to wait and see cheers
  15. he may have damaged internals not sure but if no better sunday its of to fish heaven i think
  16. yes water is fine have shifted him to hospital tank and he busy spinning around
  17. hi i have 2 oscars in a lge tank with plecos and one of the oscars is going round and round and up and down in tank spinning as he goes he has lost his black colour and gone grey over last 2 weeks does any one have any ideas he doesnt fight with other fish at all dont think he is in stress cheers
  18. HI GUYS I HAVE A LARGE OSCAR AND HE HAS TORN HIS LIP AT LEAST ONE THIRD OF HIS LIP IS HANGING HE IS SHAKING HIS HEAD TO GET RID OF IT I THINK WHAT SHOULD I DO ?????? CHEERS Mod note: Please don't shout Steve..(use lower case) We all hear you fine, and are glad to help if we can. Bill. Mod.
  19. these fish where on my watch list i didnt place a bid but if auction had gone on the last 2 mins would have been a great show i to learnt about about fish by buying dying and surviving different species but if you dont buy you wont learn also let down cheers
  20. see what happens my male not looking after eggs and now babies are swimming around tank days later seem happy as
  21. if you are 14 good on you go for it start young last longer
  22. cheers on info will try this out
  23. hi guys what size is glass where do you put it and what does it do
  24. hi everyone i have two oscars one of them is getting a lot of holes in his fins seems happy but doesnt look right do you think i am worrying about nothing ???????????? cheers
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