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Posts posted by debs01

  1. OK by nature, I am a really nosey person so I would love if you all came in and told me a bit about yourself. Just the basics age(?) if you want, family, gender, what you do other hobbies you have (outside of the madness of fish). LOL.

    The name and author of the last good book you read?

    Type of vehicle you drive, and favourite food. Where are you located?

    These things can tell alot about a person.

    Told ya I was nosey!!

    Firstly will tell you a bit about me, female, mother, under 30 (just?!),

    interests are my family, computing,ATT2.gifand reading.

    I have three gorgeous/revolting children (depending of the day?!)

    I drive a 97 Honda Accord and love all sorts of food, although I dont have a sweet tooth. I love a good cup of coffee coffee_2.gifI am located in the freezing cold Central Otago.


    The last book that I really enjoyed was called "Dead run" by P.J. Tracey.

  2. Thanks caper, my tank is 50cmX25cmX25cm I have three little fishes in it.

    A goldfish with fantail, my 7yr olds - Goldie

    A blackmoor, My 4 yr olds - Blackie

    A calico fantail, my 2yr olds - Fishy

    Nice and original names, aye!!! :lol:


  3. OK here is a photo of my goldfish tank, and I know the colours are a bit loud but bear in mind its mine but I also wanted it to entertain my three young children.




    So tell me, what does it need, does it have enough plants it doesnt have a light, is it neccesary? Whats missing??

    Also how in the hell do you take good pictures of a bloomin fishtank!!

  4. Thanks guys,

    Its a great site although it made me realise how much I still had to learn, lol :hail:

    I am sure now with all the information available here i will get the hang of things.

  5. Hi there,

    I am quite new to the fish hobby and have just started keeping goldfish, I live in Otago and I have three kids and three fish (one each). My sister in law who has also just got into fish was teh one who sent me the link for this site and I have spent a few hours just browsing and lurking before I joined, looks very cool to date.

    Well thats me so far :P

  6. OK, I have had a fishtank for a while now but only decided 2 months ago to get it up and running, at this stage I have chosen to go with gold fish and the like (as a beginner and all) but since lurking around this forum I think I have done it all wrong, I bought fake plants and decorations, I have an internal filter for a 50l tank and bought 3 fish, I just chucked them all in the tank and way you go. I bought chemicals from the pet shop and so far all the fish are still alive. But what the heck is cycling and what are the right chemicals to use, how often should I clean the tank and how do I know if they are all healthy and happy????

    Told you I was a begineer. lol

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