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  1. Thanks for everyones help. I will keep an eye on them and see how they go. I have managed to take all the fish out except for the algae eaters and Koohli Loaches which move far to fast for me I am trying not to get my hopes up as there is probably a high chance I will loose my first batch but it is a big achievement to see they have finally managed to do the 'deed'. Dad fish is doing well catching any eggs that fall out of the nest and spitting them back into place. He hangs around that nest constantly and only takes his eyes off the nest for very short periods. Wasn't even interested in food this morning! He is still adding bubbles, I guess this is to keep the nest nice and strong. Will keep everybody informed of how we go with my first lot of Siamese eggs. With any luck the first lot of eggs should hatch tomorrow! Thanks once again for your help.
  2. Hi guys, My male siamese fighter has been building bubble nests and unsuccesfully breeding with my girl fighter. I just went to lift the lid off my community tank as his bubble nest usually fall to pieces and noticed that there are little white dots through out his bubble nest. Does this mean that there are eggs in there? If so, how long will it take for them to hatch? AND what do I do if they are babies and they do hatch? Should I be leaving the light on? I assume he will need to see the nest all night as he picks them up if they fall out...correct? I have removed my female siamese as she has lost a few scales. There is melafix in the water only half a t spoon if that. If these are babies in the nest will this affect them? I'm hoping not. What is the likelihood of these babies hatching if that is in fact what the white dots in the nest are? If this is a bubble nest with babies, how very exciting!! :lol:
  3. I had a goldfish with similar symptoms. I also treated with Melafix and nothing seem to happen. I also tried a few other treatments but to no avail! Overtime his dorsil fin had a growth on it and he never seemed to extend it. He sat on the ground for weeks and weeks only swiming for food. Whatever he had eventually got him, his stomach started to get sunken in and he had difficulty swimming he hid his face under a rock and that was the end of that! I still have no idea what happened to him or what he had but would be very interested to know. I had him for approximately 5 years. Hope you find a cure!
  4. Thanks for all your feedback! They seem to both be fine and it does not affect them in any way so will keep an eye on them. Cheers guys.
  5. The sword, on its head and the Gourami on it's fins...
  6. Hey guys, This may sound like a stupid question BUT.... I was feeding my fish this evening and noticed that both the gourami and the mail sword have a blackish tinge on them, is this something I should be concerned about? All the other fish are fine and this mysterious tinge does not seem to be affected them at all. They still swim around like crazy and eat and dominate the tank. All comments appreciated.
  7. Oh great! That makes me feel even better! I might not have had to get rid of my poor thing! I guess it is better to be safe than sorry....
  8. Thanks Alan, I thought that might be the case, but didn't have the heart to do it! I also thought that there maybe a chance she will come right as the colour was stating to return (probably me just being over optimistic) but with the bent tail and having trouble swimming, it was probably neon disease. She survived for quite sometime till the kink in her tail appeared, fingers crossed it hasn't spread. Have built up the courage and disposed on her as loosing 1 is better than 30! Ah the joys of fish keeping!
  9. Hey guys, I have a school of neon tetras, glowlight tetras and glowlight danios (they are all in the same tank). I have noticed over the last few weeks that one of my neons has lost almost all of it's colour, I thought it may have been stressed, added some cycle and kept an eye on her. This evening, I noticed that he tail now looks bent or is kinked at the end. I have added some Melafix into the water. She is still eating and swiming around. What is wrong with her? These schooling fish have been in this tank for about a year it is well cycled all the tests come back fine. I change the water weekly and also do weekly vacums and each change Aquaplus and Cycle is added, what could be causing this and will it spread to my other fish? Is there any cure?
  10. Thanks for your advice Mystic, do I need to cook the peas first of just defrost them?
  11. Ah questions questions! I have a co2 unit in my tank. At the end of the tube on the diffusor it grows white (see through) fluffy looking fungus, anyone care to enlighten me as to the cause of this? I also have similar growth on the suctions cups of my heater, this is just recent. Would this have anything to do with maybe the temperature? My heater is set at 26 degrees but for some reason the water is getting warmer than this about 27-28 degrees. I am in the process of turning the heater down to 25 then to 24 in the next couple days which will hopefully keep the water at 25-26 degrees. Is this harmful to the fish as I am a bit worried that if I pull the suction cup out and it all falls in the water it may affect the fish? Ph is 6.8 and everything else 0 Anyone have any reasons/suggestions as to what it is, what the cause is and if it is harmful? Thanks
  12. Hey guys, I have a 100L community tank which houses the following: 2 x white angels (babies) 1 x golden ram (not sure of the sex) think it is a male how do you tell? 1 x BN (only a baby but growing rather rapidly) 4 x Swordtails 4 x Platies 4 x Halequins At the moment they recieve flakes, spiralina flakes as well as blood worms every now and then. What other foods can I feed them to give them more variety. I heard that courgettes and peas are good but don't want to just throw them in. I am looking for something that will benefit all fish, especially my ram and angels although they usually beat everyone else to the food and devour it all! Thanks in advance.
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