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    fish keeping, computers

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  1. my best guess would be somewhere between 2-3 years. We have been having issues for around 8 months now
  2. I checked the wiring & it all looks fine. I will check again just to be sure
  3. Hey Guys, about a year ago I gave my brother my old Jebo R338 tank so my little niece could have a few fish to enjoy. Previous to that I had it for a couple of year with no issues however in the last 6 months or so we seem to be having issue after issue with the light lid. So far we have replaced the 2 bulbs, starters & the fuse. In the last week I have had the lid at my house to have a look at because neither of the lights were working. I have just turned it on tonight and found that one of the lights worked & the other only got to a flicker. I have previously taken it apart & could find no moisture or any sign of water damage. I also thought it could be a surge problem but there have been no other problems with the other divices connected to the same outlet (filter, heater & phone) I would really appreciate any help or advice from the fish gurus out there as it is getting to the point where it is not worth keeping.
  4. OK, I think we have a plan. I have put a chunk of my filter sponge into his filter to give it a kick start We will continue to do regular water changes (using stress zyme) We will feed the fish every other day and only the tiniest amount I will keep an eye on the filter. We hadn't cleaned it yet as it really wasn't that dirty and flow was definately not effected. I will test the water every week. Hopefully I will see signs of progress when I test it again on Tuesday. I have tested the tap water and didn't find anything unusual. Have I missed anything?
  5. Yeah, I only clean mine when the flow is effected which normally works out to be 4-6 weeks. I will take my used filter sponge the next time I change it out which is due in the next week or so. Thank you are for your great advice. I am positive that you have made a big difference!
  6. If Ammo lock does stop the cycling process that would explain a lot. I will try and find some more info.
  7. the pump seems to be working fine & flow is good. Water is pumped up into the hood where it goes through noodles & wool then through a series of holes into the tank. Is there any additional media that I should be adding to the filter to aid the cycling process? Is anyone able to answer why the ammonia would still be so high after a full water change? That is really doing my head in at the moment!
  8. Thanks for the reply. I will try and answer all your questions. -The filter has not yet been cleaned. It is filter wool & noodles. Is there another media we should get? -He feeds the fish every couple of days and only gives them the tiniest amount. -We vacum the gravel whenever a watercahneg is done. -The fighter seemed to be OK & was the 1st to die. -The pH last I checked was 7.2
  9. Hey guys, Apologies for the long post, I have tried to include as much info as possible. I have tried the search feature but it is currently out of order. I have had my own tank for a while and have (luckily) never had a water quality issue. Over the last few months I have been helping my brother set up a tank for the benefit of my young niece (who is very cute btw) as she loves to spend time looking at my tank. Initially everything went well until about 3 months he started losing fish. He has now lost almost all of his fish and has only 3 neons left. I took my test kit around and have been regularly testing the water. According to the guide in the kit, the pH, nitrates & nitrites are all at normal levels. The ammonia on the other hand is out of control. Over the last 3 weeks it has been testing at between 6-8ppm. Taking avice from several websites we did regular water changes and used ammo lock to try and sort the problem. Over the next 3 weeks we continued to test the water but with no change. (I know that ammo lock does not remove the ammonia but makes it non toxic to be removed as the tank cycles.) Just recently with with still no change with another 2 losses and nothing to lose we decided to take a more drastic measure and did a full water change with water from my tank but straight away the ammonia measured the same as it did previous to the water change. Where is the ammonia hiding? We have checked the tank high & low for any decaying matter or food that can be casing the problem but the tank is clean. In its short prime the tank had only 10 fish (8 neons, 1 saimese fighter & 1 small bristlenose) which where introduced slowly over time. The tank is a Jebo R338 which is one of the all in one jobbies with the filter and light built in. ANY help would be very much appreciated here as I am at a complete loss as to what to do next. I really am starting to think the tank is haunted.
  10. Definately agree. I have moved my tank a couple of times. Each time I bagged the fish and took as much of the water as I could in chilly bins. Not a single loss or problem with either move, I wish I could say the same for my poor back:P Take this as a lesson FNZAS members. Your back is not a crane, Keep your back straight when lifting & moving your tank!
  11. The snapper fish you probably saw was a Geophagus Surinamensis. My friend has one in his community tank for several months with no issues, they look cool and are fun to watch however, he has been told that they can be a problem when they get bigger. Best of luck with your new tank! Here is some info on the fish http://www.cichliddepot.com/american/eartheater.php I hope I have done the weblink properly this time
  12. r0bbie


    cool, say hi to them from me
  13. crap, I thought I followed the image instructions perfectly... Thanks HummingBird
  14. Hey guys, Here is where I am at with the new tank. I put in some plants and wood a few days ago. As you can see I suck at tankscaping! Yesterday, I put my tiger barbs and pleco into the tank and all is good. Any comments good or bad would be appreciated http://www.nightscooter.co.nz/images/index.htm
  15. I think I am going to have to get a new filter for the soon to be Discus tank. The tank that they will be going in is 160L and currently has an Aquaclear 300. Can anyone suggest a suitable upgrade?
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