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Posts posted by vapo

  1. I read this on TM forum and thought I'd ask here for them:

    "fish disease - hole in the head

    I have tried treating it with melafix 6 or 7 times now and the holes are getting larger. Is there anyone out there who has successfully treated it. She is my clown loach and she is very old, as I have had her 22 years, and is about one foot long. She is still very happy and lively, but I have been trying to combat this since end of last year, and these last few weeks I have noticed a progression in the disease, even with the use of melafix. I wouuld appreciate any input at all. Thank you."



    Any ideas?



  2. As long as most of the flow is coming out the proper way, I wouldn't worry too much. You'll still be getting filtration. You can guess at the amount of filtration by turning the filter down a little. When you get to the point where the water isn't flowing out the wrong way, look at the position of the flow control. If you've turned it down by half or more, you probably just need to get the gunk off the filter media. Use whatever method works.

    Is that a removable screen with the blue stuff stuck to it? I took that bit out of ours and added media from my other tank filter (ceramic noodles). Stopped the backflow.



  3. I'd suggest dosing her more frequently. At least once per day, as otherwise the bacteria may just get more resistant to the AB's. Bacteria multiplies at an astounding rate (every few seconds) and will mutate to become immune to any treatment, as it is an amazingly adaptive lifeform. better to kill it fast.

    Salt baths may help, along with water changes before every treatment.

    Also, I read that Indian Almond leaves are very effective at preventing further infection/problems. It seems it helps to harden scales and is quite prevalent in their natural environment. Check this link http://www.aqualandpetsplus.com/Betta,% ... Leaves.htm



  4. no i wouldn't go highter with neons they like it cool 18C to 22C.

    Neons may like the temp around 22 C, but the clown loaches don't tolerate temps lower than 26 C well. IMO neons will be fine at most temps, our tank hangs around 27.5 C and our 9 neons are fine (spawning all the time). We have 6 neons in another tank at 26.5 C and they too are fine. I'd recommend keeping the temp up and putting an airstone in there.

    Also, I'd keep treating for at least two days after all signs of whitespot have vanished as the life-cycle at 28 C is around 48hrs. Our clown loaches handled full dosage for seven days (had 0.2% malachite green, 0.025% acriflavine, 0.02% quinine), BUT our anabantoids didn't. They started to get fungal infections, so if you have a spare tank that you could safely move your fighter to, it might be wise to do so. Just make sure the parameters are similar to his usual tank.

    When you do finally stop treatment keep the temp above 26 C or your clowns are likely to get ich again.

    **EDIT** I see you are using meth blue. I have no experience with this stuff so your fighter may be fine with that, especially if you are using 50% dosage.

    Good Luck


  5. Hey Jude (hehehe),

    Actually I have pre planned for multiple tanks and have a 3.6 X 2.4m concrete block walled room downstairs set aside. I'm including a floor drain in the slab and as well a seperate power circut for the room (Will also have the hall light on this circut to warn me if it blows a fuse).

    Wow!!... Wow!!... Sounds fantastic!! The drain is an excellent idea! Would love that luxury, but we're renting.

    How's the project coming along? Love to see some pics.



  6. When you catch eels they shed loads of slime, so I would expect any holding tank to become extermely murky and unpleasant for the eel very quickly. Definitely need a fairly powerful pump/filter otherwise he might not be very happy in there and do a lot of water changes. Throw in a bunch of plants from the creek, don't worry if the water is muddy, just try to keep it as much like home as possible. Also you will need a very tight lid or mesh as has been suggested as eels are very strong and will push open a lid if it's not held on tight. How large of an eel are you talking about? And yes, I have lost eels when catching them by throwing them up onto the bank. They are wicked-fast and slither across 20m in a flash! What is the aim of your experiment? Have you looked on the net to see if anyone else has run any similar testing?

    Hope it's successful for you and you don't get bitten!



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