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Everything posted by Chakuna

  1. Crocs & some other animals do it 2. 8)
  2. My goldfish keep on sucking up stones then spitting them out :roll: :bounce:
  3. Chakuna


    Hi and welcome I like blue platies so cute :bounce:
  4. yep :lol: :lol: :roll: :bounce:
  5. when I was looking for I found the one!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: It's a rainbow shark!!!!!!! thanks alot luke
  6. black kindalong long and thin
  7. welcome :lol: :bounce: Ican't help sorry
  8. I also have 2 fantails :bounce: My tank used to smell now it dosen't :roll:
  9. my camra dosn't work its too darkIts also a fish that eats alge
  10. I'm 10 tennow :lol: :bounce: My birthday was in august last year.
  11. I'm back!!!I'ts been such a long time since I've been here.Whenever me or my dad go to feed the fish they act like my cat :lol: they follow me and then they start to make poping noises they also do that whenever anyone comes near :bounce: I don't know what speicies one of my fish is. Itsbrown ,red fins,2tiny antenae-like things & a black stripe from the gills through the eye to the mouth. If you have a picture or a link of somthing like it please send it and I will say if it is the picture of what mine is like. :lol: :bounce: Chakuna
  12. Do some plecostamus hate the light love the dark? :-?
  13. Hi My goldfish has that to lots of missing scales but I don't think she was bullied she's like...the boss I don't have anything sherp in my tank. :-?
  14. Mr nicholls has a goldfish that has white spot I think the white frost-like stuff is.................................................................................................................................................... COMING OUT OF ITS GILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It dosn't move much,I have some medicen should I take it to school?
  15. Chakuna


    look for:http://www.thetropicaltank.co.uk/Fishindx/glasscat.htm 8)
  16. your silver shark is a bala shark 8) 8) ____________________ Go to:http://students.cecs.csulb.edu/~atran/cecs470/newsletter/index.php
  17. Chakuna


    Ihave a bala shark glass catfish & 4 silver tip tetras(I found out yesterday)
  18. Do bala sharks eat them? :-?
  19. i've had my fish tank for two months and now I found a tiny snail ..............sowhat do snails eat? :roll: I've heard that fish eat baby snails...is that true?(my teacher mr ken nichols at waka aranga school). 8) :roll:
  20. I have a cat too! She ALWAYS meows for food. :lol: :lol: :oops:
  21. He had marks on him and his tail was ripped and nipped at.
  22. I found out the other male killed him I'm totaly ok with that :oops: :oops:
  23. one of my coral red platies died this morning
  24. Yes he does,but its broken at the moment
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