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    Tropical Fish Breeding

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  1. i use bulk flake for grow outs combined with live foods never use after 2months of opening buckets.this also applies to all manufactured food in my case
  2. gazza


    i will ship prefer to sell at 5cm only 3cm at moment.around $25.00 each currently 3 more ladies with mouthfulls
  3. gazza


    the last group took just over 2 weeks to reach 3cm feeding reguarly on brime shrimp and flake.when it rains it pours
  4. another batch of fronts out today,32 at last count
  5. guppies, swordtails, platies, leopard fish, bristlenoses, bronze/albino/peppered and julie catfish white cloud mountain minnows, demisonis, bricardi, daffodil, elec yellows, masked julie, sulfur creast, baenschi, johanni, oscars, Angels, surimensus,
  6. gazza

    heat pumps

    I am in the process of installing split system inverter heat pump into my fish rooms is this the cheapest option avaliable to run 200 plus tanks as currently the powerbill is out of hand.
  7. i am looking at running pump room on solar power. any info on building home made system would be much appreciated
  8. most large south americans are good with oscars. eg. nics,jags,pearl cichlids.
  9. In pic 11 its just a reflection from other tanks also in responce to tanksman the fishroom is the basement under the house
  10. Thank you for the help it has help me heaps. Here a few pictures of my progress
  11. Current room running heaters and sponge filters, underground filter and canister filters. changing to centeral system, running 32mm pipe for inlet reducing to 15mm pipe to tanks. runnig individual taps for each tank.Main filter system consists of 2 ONGA pumps with outlet pump running through media which consists of four fishbins, one containig filter wool, one containing carbon, last two containing bio-balls feeding into 1000ltr plastic tank containing 4x300watt heaters to inlet pump.
  12. gazza

    Cichlid young

    I have some young nics,albino oscars that will be available soon currently just over an inch long at moment.also electric yellows if anyone interested let me know .
  13. gazza

    Fish Rooms

    my son is buying himself a digital camera in a couple of weeks and will down load progess photos as i go with articles, if i do it myself liable to bugger it up. still getting used to using computer without freezing it
  14. gazza

    Fish Rooms

    Ill be going down to Napier to the HBAS meeting this coming Wednesday while down there ill check out a couple of glass outlets to see if i can get hold of them
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