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What to get next?????????????


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Hi guys n gals

I have done a reshuffle and fpund that I now have some (3) (2x 60L and 1x 38L) empty tanks.

Im wanting something different (breeding or non,no pref, small in size)

I have had over the years

Guppies (have fry every other day)

Platties (have fry every other day)

Mollies (have fry every other day)

swordtails (have fry every other day)

Bristlenose (breeding though took them 4 years to start)

Kribs (never had any luck breeding these guys)

Blue Rams (died before could breed) Thinking abiut them again

Gbas (too young to breed and when you only have one left its a bit hard. (Thanks Billaney again))

Golden algae eater

Siamese Algae eaters

bronze cories

peppered cories

albino corys


neons normal and black

gouramis (normal and dwarf)

kuhli loaches

skunk loaches

So what can I do with my extra tanks?

Any exciting fish that will go in a smallish tank? and that wont break the bank?

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Watch out on TradeMe for some killies.

To me some of them are the flashiest fish we have in NZ.

You'll have a problem finding them in the LFS, but there are a few staunch breeders of them thrioughout NZ, although thet don't produce like barbs, cichlids danios, or tetras.

Only a few eggs a day, then hand raised.

Don't really expect to get them too cheaply either.

I have seen them vary from $6.50 for the clown killie to $75pr for the king killie, everything in between.

Lately some were on TM for $25 a pr., albino gardneri.

I have been fortunate enough to have obtained some from a wholesaler, and paid $34 a pair for them, plus GST and transport.

So they aren't cheap , but the joy of breeding them then raising them, makes it seem all worthwhile.

The easiest way to locate them is through the NZKA.

But even then, they are still hard to get.


Alan 104

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So what can I do with my extra tanks?

Any exciting fish that will go in a smallish tank? and that wont break the bank?

I got some nice peral Danio's which are small fish , some WCMM in warm water that would go , or platies, swords etc .... :)

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