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I'm wondering what you would put into tank water, in a cold water aquarium. What I mean is that you normally put something in to get rid of Chlorine, so what could you put in aquarium to kill any strong bacteria from the water.

Thanks Dianne

Ps Ph Test shows that it needs to go up, I bought ph up container with powder in what do you actually do here with it do you put some in vial which is half full tank water, or are you suppose to water down powder and than add it to your tank until it comes right.

Thanks again

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You are talking about a tank with no fishies, right?

Alan is one the wise fishy people here :bow::bow: I've learned that here that if your water has chlorine that if you sit it in a bucket for at least, I think it's 24 hours, the chlorine will dissapate (should I know that's not spelled right :-?. Here, where I live we have chlorine/chloarmine so I have to treat the water before I add to tank.

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have you had the water tested to see if its safe to drink?

if its fine I would just run it through a houshold filter or some coffee filter paper, and boil it, let it cool down and pop it into the tank.

thats all that comes to mind, but I'm no expert, just what I would do If I had to drink green rainwater :P what treatments do you apply to your drinking water? and if the waters coming out green what does your roof look like?

how big is your fish tank? how much water do you have to prepare each time you do a water change?

for adjusting PH, its better to do it before it goes into the tank, do another test on the prepared water before it goes into the tank incase you over adjust it, my PH has to be adjusted down and I just use them chemicals that come with the test kit cant remeber what they are, I've herd that the "PH UP" and "PH DOWN" products can cause PH swings that can harm your fish.

hope this helps


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I bought something one time...I tried it a couple of times, nothing happened...then I found out here that it's better not to use those things.

Like you said Doug, from what I've learned here...as long as there's no "ups" and "downs"! So, I do nothing and my pH reads the same when I test it.

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