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new tank arrived.... let the silly questions begin(pics)


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here we go more pics, I'm sure I will have to re-arrange the plants once they take root, but I wanted to get alot in there incase some didnt take.


left hand side(from front)


whole tank


enjoy and thanks again so much to Hands you rock.

he helped me out with all these plants and a few others that went into the smaller tank, he even fixed my nitrate problem in my smaller tank.

without me even saying I had one :P


P.S those red eyes in the last pic are the handles on my stand.

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I went from a 1 foot to a 1000mm setup. I decorated the tank & filled it, on the third day after filling I started to put some of my existing fish in. I had put the internal filter & half the water from the old small tank into the new tank. I had 5 glowlights, a BN catfish, a sailfin corydoras & four angels & they were all in the tank by the fifth day & i did not loose any of them. I did this for two reasons, couldn't wait & every book I read said a different thing, some said 36 days before any fish, others said a week if you bacteria boost with existing hardware. I put the fish I liked the least as testers & it worked out fine. Did find it important to do regular water changes.


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yeah I've been seeing diferent info out there too.

I was getting impatient with the cycling process, but decided to just try and speed it up rather than ignore it completly.

I've washed my existing filter in my new tank, put half the old water from my little tank into my new tank and added a product called "cycle" that contains the nessacary bacteria. all going well it should be safe for fish by this weekend, but judging by how its been going so far I'm thinking more like the one after that, I still have a few things to get for this tank, and now I have to wait for the plants to take root so I'm just gonna have to wait it out like normal.


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good luck with your tank, I'll bet you can't wait until its all up and running. I agree with you and Smidey about the info that is out there, I guess it just depends on who you listen too really and what works for you. Like your driftwood. i have a piece like that I call it "the mouth" (Caper was right :D ) I also have a piece that is quite tall and it looks like a squirrel, so it is called "the squirrell". One day I might manage to post some pics.

Keep us posted on your progress

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so I still dont have any nitrites but ammonia has gone to zero, is my test giving me a false negative or is something else eating the ammonia?

I missed a couple days of testing could I have missed the nitrite spike?

havent tested nitrates yet due to the potted plant I had in there having nitrates in its fert.


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