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I went into Mico and the guys had never heard of a bulkhead haha! After describing ad nauseum what it did, I eventually found them myself.

After having spent litreally 10 minutes describing both what the fitting did and how it works - even a sketch showing the rubber gaskets and eventually an online picture of the fitting, he still didnt get it .

"This is what I was looking for... "

- "ohh, they use those on water tanks".

Uggghh!!!! :roll:

SO moral of the story is, these things are reffered to as "hanson fittings" if you are ever unfortunate enough to run into such troubles.

My faith in humanity has been forever shaken. :D

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bulkheads seems to be an american term, hence why most non-fish-geeks have not heard of the term :D tank valves or hansen fittings as mentioned above is most common, and KP's link above are the better choice

Just out of interest, why is that style a better choice?

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Just out of interest, why is that style a better choice?

Because they are screw fit rather than push fit, screw fit are less likely to leak or suffer salt creap. Also pressure fittings connect directly to them so you dont have to change from push fit to treads to attach pumps etc

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