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Aquarium Controllers / Computer Based Set Ups


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Have been investigating options in controlling heaters, lights and c02 solenoids.

The Aquacontroller Jr from Neptune in the US is a dedicated aquarium controller which is supplied with temperature and pH probes, displays this information on an LCD screen and can interface with a PC using the supplied free software AquaNotes Lite. The unit can controll heaters, lights and c02 solenoids using programmed paramater trigger levels, and timers, using x-10 modules (one controller, and one switch module for each appliance, not supplied with unit). The unit itself (with probes) costs around NZ$350, and X10 switches from Australia cost around NZ$70 each, with an X10 controller costing around NZ$150.

Total cost for complete automation around $800.

The next option I looked at was using a dedicated computer as a controller, running a freeware/shareware software package such as DrAquarium. In addition to the X10 switches ad controllers (priced above), a USB input unit with temperature and pH probes would be needed, such as DrDAQ at NZ$350, and the cost of a dedicated computer would need to be included (say, around $400 secondhand?).

Total cost for complete automation around $1200, but advantages of monitoring and presenting info on screen at any time, and also completely expandable to control an infinite number of tanks, appliances and parameters. Also possibility of future enhancements such as UPS, email or txt alerts etc etc.

The last option is simply to use separate control devices for each appliance. Timers for lights and night ligths are around $20 each. The best price on a pH controller for C02 is some I have found on Australian eBay at around NZ$150, and the best price on a heater controller I have found is around NZ$200.

Total price for complete automation around $400, but disadvantages of many pieces of equipment, and no possibility of future expansion or enhancement, as exists with either of the above options.

I would love to hear of anyone elses experiences with Aquarium automation, especially computer based systems or the dedicated aquarium controllers, and X-10 switches... specifically where they have obtained such equipment from NZ and how effective such systems have been.

Also details on what ingenious systems people have devised to avoid these expensive systems?

Cheers, Henry.

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