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BABIES!!! Now uh.. what do I do?


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Just see how they go first. Most cichlids take a few tries at spawning until they are able to raise fry. Practice makes perfect. If, however you want to give them a proper go at spawning, wait til the fry are free swimming, then remove them and the parents into their own tank with 100% water from the main tank. I've found with rams that both parents look after the fry really well taking 'shifts' watching them.

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Hey Allan, congrats! Plants do wonders for helping fish feel comfortable enough to spawn. Java Fern and Moss doing well?

The fry won't survive well in a community tank so yeah, get them their own tank like antwan mentioned. Sometimes removing the female is very important in raising successful broods. Here's an article that I found helpful.


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Hey Faran, all the javas are doing great. They're in the now spawning tank. The swords doing really good too, give out leaf once in while. :)

Ahh ok wait until they swim, alrighty i dun think they have a chance if i left em in the community, the discus will probably make short work of em, bah! Is a 10 gallon tank enuf for the spawn?

Thanks for the info and links, still can't believe it its preetty awesome!

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Pics of the little runts and the slightly traumatised parents. They're a LOT calmer and less busy in their own tank compared to the community one. The black line flying foxes were circling the babies like sharks!




Put Mel in the tank today, and bought some liquifry as well, didn't have any microworms at the shops. And raising BBS for em as well.

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:D yeah tell about it, something about mom screams gangsta chick :)

The filter? You think it sucked em up? Dang it, that filter set me back 80 bucks and it becomes a baby killer. Ah well, will get me a sponge filter :wink:

Hey Ronnie, discus are doin really really good. The turqoises are colouring up. One thing though, one of the turqoises has a single white spot like a pimple. Should I start getting worried?

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Could be something simple or could be HitH (hole in the head). Has it been eating properly? Has it darkened up with a light coloured tail? If the "pimple" falls off and leaves a hole you need to treat the tank with Metronidazole. Any of the discus breeders or I can help you out with that.

Anything with a pump is too strong for fry. You need something gently and air driven, like a sponge filter. Sharronpaul is selling some great little units that WAY outperform the pet shop ones. Like Ronnies, but smaller.

LOL @ gangsta chick. I can just imagine her getting in street fights while the kids fall out of the tank.

Oh, and in case no one mentioned this before. Cichlids can take a few tries to get parenting down. They made it real far this time and might go all the way without a traumatic suction or killer filter next time. Unless you see her eating them (and not spitting them back out) no point taking her out.

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Oh yeah you betcha they have been eating very well. The one with the pimple is ther first to the top of the tank as soon as he/she sees me, and stays there the whole time im close to the tank. He's the biggest turqoise in the tank.

Alrighty, so its wait and see? Heard of hole in the head, sounds bad. Hopefully it isn't that. Will try to get a picture of it and post it in the disease section.

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  • 1 month later...

The rams have done it again, lots of little fry swimming around, just wondering what happens if I remove the parents too early, will the little fry die if they're separated too early? Trying to prevent the massacre that happened last time round :-?

Using sponge filter this time so babies wont get sucked in!

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As soon as the babies are free swimming they pretty much have no need for the parents (apart from guarding them if they're in a community) the parents fan the eggs take any unfertilised ones away etc but once they're free swimming they dont need that..

If they're in a community you could just syphon them out when they're free swimming or close to it.. Into a small tank with water from the tank they were in and an established sponge filter.

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The parents are now out of the tank :D. Hopefully everything goes well. Just wondering if use the gravel cleaner to clean out the tank, or should I just siphon the water out. I'm using water from the main community tank with some aged boiled water. They're not taking to microworms yet, still using liqufry atm, they're about a week and a half old, is that normal?

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