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Discus with head down


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Hi, just wondering if anyone can help with a Discus that has its head down when stationary (still). Also normally has the dorsal and anal fins closed down as opposed to spread. All other behaviour normal. Feeding well and generally social and active. Over time the head has got lower (10-14 days). No signs of bloat or swelling of the swim bladder.

Water quality is good with regular changes, Temp 28 degrees, ph 6.5 or a bit lower. Have also tried isolating lowering and raising temperature as suggested on a website.

Have treated tank for parasites. Am guessing it is a swim bladder problem but what sort? And whats the best treatment, should I try Furan? Or a specific antibacterial? Doesn't float on its side at all.

Any suggestions greatfully appreciated as this is one of the family favourites in the tank. ( A community tank with Discus only 13 in total, 700 litres). :(

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Amonia and nitrate levels fine. Have not tested for hardness, never have. Use aqua clear to treat water, sometimes also stress coat. Have had fish pair off and lay eggs, so never really considered water quality a problem as no other fish displaying same symtoms.

The blue discus in particular did get darker for a short time (one in particular). Have been doing more frequent water changes(daily) just cut back. All other fish o.k. and colour appears lighter in all fish. Suspect one of the pleco's may have died (never found it) and upset water quality for a period.

My two rules for discus are 1. Good water quality and regular changes. 2. if in doubt check rule one.

I still feel it is a swim bladder problem with this particular fish.

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