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Is My Filter Too Powerful


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Hi, I emailed earlier about my Cosmo filter and now finally have it worked out to go properly. Only problem, it seems too powerful. It sends the oxy weed flying and bits go everywhere, plus the fish are fighting the current. Nothing calm and peaceful as it should be. Can anyone tell me, if perhaps this is too strong, can they be adjusted (have adjusted bubbles, but doesn't affect the overall pressure), or is this just normal?



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try pointing the outlet at the back wall or a piece of wood etc. If the doesn't help you should be able to buy or make a spray bar. I wouldn't turn the pump down (most do have a way of doing this), it will make the pump ware out faster and the filter wont work as well.

Wether the strong current is a problem for the fish depends on the type of fish, some like the strong currents, maybe you just need to fix your plants down a bit more firmly.

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