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help with Jebo r338 filter!


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I have recently set up a 40L Jebo r338 tank, and am currently hosting a couple of small yabbies. The unit did not come with many instructions, and I was hoping someone would be able to give me some advice on how to set up the top filter. I currently have the noodles in the bottom of the filter chamber, a plastic grid above the noodles and topped off with a rectangular piece of filter sponge (all provided with the tank). The water from the powerhead is distributed over the filter sponge, but I'm having alot of water flowing out of the filter chamber and into an overflow chamber next to it, and back into the tank. Have I set it up right, and should all of this overflow be happening? Advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This filter drove me nuts, too, but finally I suceeded. This is how i've set mine up - plastic grid on bottom, filter sponge next and noodles on top around the clear plastic outlet tube. The guy in the shop said this was right?? Makes it fun to clean. I take out plastic clear tube with black elbow - ease it off pump. Then you have to get a container - I use a plastic jug - and manually pick up all the ceramic things then the filter foam and wash them. To put it back you do the reverse but you'll have to fiddle with the ceramic noodles so they fit under and around the clear tube. Done this many times now, and you may develop your own faster way. Good luck! ps this tank has a tendency to get warm - my cold water fish kept dying so I checked water temp - 27! So be careful - I've now got tetras and guppies along with a flying fox algae eater with no heater! Also the one lone goldfish that obviously likes it hot. Cold water snails kept karking it too.

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  • 1 year later...

I dont have a plastic grate, I just have one layer of thin filter foam, and the noodles underneath. Never had the overflow being needed, perhaps make sure the holes below aren't being blocked by algae or small stones?

Once you get it going you'll need to decide on wether the current is too much or not, its a 38L tank with a 400L/hr pump on it! If this is the case, I found wedging a small piece of gravel in the intake pipe slowed it down to a more reasonable speed. But even at full speed, the overflow should not be needed, and in mine the foam wasn't even underwater, just gets sprayed.

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I have an AR3880. This tank is virtually the same as the Jebo model.

The instructions indicate the following installation:

Put the plastic tray at the bottom (keeps the outlets that trickle back into the tank clear).

The noodles go on that they don't really need cleaning and if you ever think they do they should only be rinsed gently in tank water)

Then the black (coarse) filter sponge. Also rarely needs cleaning, use tank water if you do.

The top ;ayer is the white filter wool (or mine came with a cartridge with carbon initially) This goes on top. The filter wool should be rinsed in tap water when it's dirty and replaced when it starts getting hard to clean or losing effectiveness (getting thin). Mine occasionally overflows when I put in a brand new piece of filter wool. Soaking if first to try to squeeze out the air helps. Also try lifting or shifting a corner of the wool while its running to let the water through a little more easily until more of the air is gone and the flow through it is better.

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