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Starting an extra tank


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I have a new 40l tank which I am going to fatten up my rummy nose in for breeding. I am running a new sponge filter in this tank filled with rainwater. I also have in my big tank a fluval 103 & 203. In my 25l tank which has 3 mth old guppies in is a powerhead 201 filter.

What would be the quickest way to have this tank up and running to transport 8 rummies into. I have also have some cycle and aquaplus at my disposal.

If I put in the some of the filterwool in a stocking from a fluval and sit on the bottom of the tank, is this going to do the trick. With using a sponge filter there isn't much current except at the top where there water exits. Should I hang the wool just under the surface at the outtake perhaps??

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I think you took a wrong turn at the round-about.. and are now going up the wrong road :)

You ask:

If I put in the some of the filterwool in a stocking from a fluval and sit on the bottom of the tank, is this going to do the trick

No.. this won't help in any way.

The idea behind "seeding" a new tank from an established one is an easy one, and often used.

By using some of the water from the established tank, along with an established filter, you can then basically bypass the cycle period.

You can't just pop a bit of media into the tank because in order for that media to work, it has to have a flow of water going over it to keep the benificial bacteria alive.

If you have "two" filters on your other tank...

I also have in my big tank a fluval 103 & 203.

.. and they have been running for a few months.. then one of these should be ideal to kick start your new setup... without having to re-cycle.

The "new" sponge filter you have will possibly not be established enough.. so what you do here is you pop the sponge filter into the main tank for a week or so to allow it to become established with a good colony of benificial bacteria.

It will be always ready for next time if you do this. (Keep it running at all times)

Don't clean it during this time.. as an old gungy filter works much better than a new one in this situation.

If you do it right, there should be no reason why you can't have it ready in a couple of days.. but just allow time to check everything is as it should be.. temp.. filtration.. etc.

A bare bottom.. (the tank that is..) would be best for Rummies. :)

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So...... I'll put the 103 into the new tank with a couple of buckets of the main tanks water, and put the sponge filter into the main tank (has been running for 7 yrs). In 2 or 3 days it would be safe to introduce the 8 rummies. After a couple of weeks swap the filters back over again. Right!! :D:D

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The 103 might be fine to keep the tank cycle going.. but once spawning begins it may be a prob as it could suck up some eggs.. and would certainly suck the fry up once hatched.

You "might" be able to fit a sponge over the filter intake.. not sure.. but someone will know.

You "can't" establish a new sponge filter in two or three days.. it takes time.


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So...... I'll put the 103 into the new tank with a couple of buckets of the main tanks water, and put the sponge filter into the main tank (has been running for 7 yrs). In 2 or 3 days it would be safe to introduce the 8 rummies. After a couple of weeks swap the filters back over again. Right!!

Think Billl misread this. You are completely correct this will work, just don't let the fish breed (or atleast dont expect them to survive) until you swap the filters over in a couple of weeks.

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