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I am having a bit of a problem in my tank at the moment with algae

I had cyanobacteria but treated it with erythomicin about 1 month back so it all cleared up. i then started putting a few plants in the tank and a couple fish and driftwood etc.

I now have Brown slimy algae (looks like a brown cyano) in the tank. it grows over the sand and on the sides etc.

It isnt the dead cyano because i have got rid of all that stuf, this stuf just keeps growing and is sort of hard to syphon off......

Does anybody know what it is??

Heres a shocking pic of it just above the sand


Same place but from front...its just to the right of the thermometer strip.


Here it is on the filter


Any ideas??

There is another algae also in there growing on a patch of the driftwood... it looks like bba but it is solid gray!!!???!!!???

I have got a pic of it buts its not great...

You may be able to see the gray spot to the right of the java fern....


Any ideas on this aswell??



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I'd have to say the brown stuff is bacteria of one kind or other. You need BNs in your tank to clean that stuff up before it builds up. Either that or wipe down the inside of tanks with no cleaners such as catfish or snails.

That grey hair algae is funky. Does it crumble when you touch it? Funky stuff gorws on new driftwoods if they're not cleaned properly - specially from rivers.

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hey blue, thanks for that info.

I ahev put a couple BN in there to try get rid of the brown stuf and the gray stuff is still a mystery. it pretty much does crumble when touched yea.

Im going to take the DW out and give it another good wash i think and then put it in again.

One more question, What is the best way to get algae off new plants im putting into the tank???

is a bleach solution the best??



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Is your tank getting any sunlight? Brown algae can appear also due to lack of light. Everything in balance there would be no algae, i.e right amount of nutrients (macro/micro) and light and CO2.

I treat all new plants with potassium permanganate, you can get it pretty cheap from a chemist, bout $7 or so. Comes in powder and you mix with water in a bucket till pinky red (not purple). Leave the plants for ½ an hour and you're sweet. It's good because it stops those nasty hair and black brush algae (bba) getting in. Bleach is too strong and needs more rinsing afterwards to get off even if used lightly. P/P then a rinse and it's gone.

One good thing is that brown algae is much easier to get rid of than most green algaes.


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the tank does get a bit of sunlight (when to suns out :o )

I had the light on all day today and came home to the tank being SLIGHTLY cloudy and LOTS of the brown algae all over the sand....

I was trying to get some pertasium permanganate a little while ago but couldnt get any, will try harder this time


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I have decided to take as many plants as possible out of my other tanks (tanks need a prune anyways :wink: ) and shove them into this tank. this way, the plants will be battling the algae for nutrients (is this correct??)

I also have 2 36 W tubes running on it. should i take one out untill i get the plants grunting... will this help the situation??

Thoughts PLEASE!!!


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