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Which plants are best for low light conditions?

me love fishy

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Hi guys

I have a four foot tank which is deeper than normal about 2.5 to 3 foot deep, which means that most of the plants I am going to be able to grow without beefing up the lighting will be low light plants. I currently have two 40watt flouro bulbs in this tank and I am kind of considering putting another one in (if it fits), but I don't want to have to do this if its not necessary.

So I am wondering if anyone has tips on what are the best plants for low light growth. At the moment plants that do well in my tank are java ferns and an amazon sword, plus I have vallis which seems to do okay and a crypt plant which does okay. My aim is to get more plants to cover the bottom of the tank so I don't have to use a gravel vac, or at least to give more coverage in my tank.

Does anyone have any ideas for me?

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crypts and anubias are good low-light plants for you. All the best ground cover plants require good lighting (glosso, dwarf sag, pygmy swords) and you'll have to switch to MH to get decent lighting at those depths...

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