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Will discus mate again now they have fry?


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I have a couple of questions. This is their 5th spawning, the fry are 2 weeks old, (the fry died in the first few days in the other 4 spawnings). Will the parents mate again or will they focus on raising their young?

Also, the parents are getting a little argey bargey with each other, is this normal?

I have just the parents and babies in the one tank.

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Just a heads up, if the parents decide to spawn again and you want to keep the lot of fry you currently have, best to remove the eggs or they will ignore and even kill the older batch of fry. I just lost a big lot of fry guys about 5 weeks old this way as I didn't realize that the parents had spawned on the back side of the potted plant.

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That pair of parents spawned on the potted plant and I never took it out as the fry spent quite a bit of time around the leaves.

Yup, they were getting large and I was ready to remove them from mom and dad. Day late and a dollar short.

Shhh, the viagra in the food was supposed to be our little secret!!!

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Haha the secret's out fellas. Might have to stop using less myself and put more in the food to maintain a competitive advantage.

I think about 4 weeks is a good time to remove the fry from the parents. What's the earliest you've done it Ronnie? I have some a couple of weeks old now but not a big batch, so thought I might move them in with the other older fry and let the parents spawn again.

Lynne I find my pair gets quite bolshy at times, but then they kiss and make up. So I'd say if it's really bad then remove one.

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