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scales falling off Oranda


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help! I bought an Oranda yesterday and this morning it appears that its scales are falling off it places??! could this be stress related as the fish is getting use to the tank? my other goldfish do not show any similar symptoms. I have done a pH test and water is about 7.2. I have added tonic salts to the water 1tbls per 40 liters.

I have a 110L tank, water seems to be in good condition so im puzzeled as to what could be causing this? what do you recommend i do? melafix?

Being an Oranda i really dont want to loose the fish, it would be like flushing $ down the toilet.

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Hi there. I don't know if I'll be much help to you but I have some large Oranda and would be gutted also if I had to flush one.

If your fish is bloated it could have dropsy... but then you only just got it so you wont have a size reference. Hopefully (?) it is just supperficial damage caused by the fish thrashing in a course net when you bought it. If so, add malifix to reduce chances of infection.

I will keep an eye on this thread to see what others suggest. Good luck

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hey there, thanks for checking up on the little guy. I think it must have been stress, or as above the net from the LFS.

I treated with melafix for 7 days and all is going well. The scales are still missing but looks as though they have started to grow back. The fish is in good shape, eating well. So far have managed to keep any infections at bay. Also keeping up witht the tonic salt.


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