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Would ottos be ok with....


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Red eye tetras and tiger barbs?

Mind you...I have no idea how I'm going to get them...I haven't seen any here since I got my 2 last summer :( But just in case, I would like to know if they'd be ok with the above mentioned fishies.

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I have 4 in with a bunch of tetras, clown loaches, and apistogramma cichlids, no problems at all, they've been going for years even, and they are great little workers behind the scenes, unlike most algae eaters these ones seem only interested in algae too - not other food you add in to the tank. Tiger barbs are renowned fin nippers though so you might want to find someone who has them in together. Is it a heavily planted tank?

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only interested in algae too

Yep, I've tried giving mine algae wafers when I first got them, they weren't interested. Now, I haven't noticed if they eat the peas when I give them to my goldfish, but then there's probably none left when they're finished!

:oops: I don't have real plants :oops: I know many people wouldn't agree with only artificials, but I'm just tooooooo nervous to try real ones. I feel bad sometimes wondering if I'm depriving my fishies but I just don't know if I could handle trying to keep them alive and plants too. I am terrible with plants, I've managed to KILL everyone I ever had :o I doubt very much if I would have fishes at all if I only could have real plants with them.

See the problem here is no variety in algae eaters, oh wait, I'm wrong they have brought some other kind in but I didn't even think to ask what they were, at least I think that's what they were :-?

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Have you got them in with goldfish? They require warm water 20-26degrees celsious. Your plants will grow if you have enough lighting, if they keep dying i'd bet my money that you just don't have enough watts. Mine use to always die for years until I increased the light.

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