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How much plant iron fertilizer and how often?


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Hi there guys.

I have a 200 ltr fishtank, Aqua One AR980 and have about 10 medium sized plants in it.

My Temp is set to 26C

Once a month I plan to stick a big lili plant fertilizer tablet or two in the gravel.

I also bought a product called:

Plant Gro (Aquatic Plant fertilizer)

, Iron Enriched, it says contains only chelated iron. blah blah blah

It says to use 5ml per 10 US gallons. Ok I've done that, it then says to use a test kit to monitor the iron, now I dont want to do that.

So my question is simply how often should I add this product to the fishtank? Weekly, monthly etc etc

Thanks, kind long way around asking the question, but thanks in advance


W :bounce:

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I can't answer your question but if you do some research you might be able to find the signs of not enough iron and the signs of too much. That way you can just keep an eye on your plants and adjust how often you dose the tank accordingly



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The target is 0.1mg/l Fe (iron).

Iron in it's liquid state isn't all that stable, so it's best to add small amounts regularly. You might want to research PMDD (poor man's dosing drops), with that you add it daily and that helps you get the consistent iron level target as above. If you don't want that hassle I'd just add it as directed about once a month.

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if you are putting iron/fert tablets in the substrate you shouldnt need to add it to the water, plants aborb most stuff via there roots not the leaves. fert in the water column will feed algae as much as it will the plants. the only time you need to worry about adding stuff to the water is if you are short on a particular chemical, the plants will tell you if you are missing something, there are plently of charts on the web that tell you what symptom equals wht shortage

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