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Anyone got a 42-45mm Diamond Drill bit?


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Again what would be the point? A single durso will do the job, he's just doubling the cost for no reason.

the shorter pipe would be submersed under water so no noise. the taller (durso) pipe would be taking less of the water volume so lesser noise. seems logical in theory, may not work in principal though?

You don't need redundancy because a durso works

big snail in single durso pipe = no redundancy

My understanding (but then the guy that invented it doesn't know why it works like it does) is that the standpipe has to be larger than the plumbing below it, not just a restriction at the bulkhead

that doesn't make sense? im picking its done like this (probably what you are meaning) is that if the standpipe is larger than the bulkhead hole, then there is always that extra volume of water behind it to cope with the need, much like feeding a return pump. not sure how this would make it work better though, but it cant hurt sticking to how it works for everyone else.

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Im geussing that the reason the standpipe needs to be wider than the bulkhead is probably because of this peice. It shouldnt really be called 25mm plumbing.

I might email the guy about it.

Not that thats any good to me - I didnt realise that the plumbing after the bulkhead also had to be smaller.

I'm gonna have to cover the overflow with mesh anyway - so I probably dont need a redundancy, I just thought it might be a good idea.

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come see the size of some of my snails :D

all you need to make sure of is that it goes:

big (standpipe) smaller (bulkhead) big (downpipe) the downpipe not necessarily having to be bigger than the bulkhead, but,... why not :D in my case it's 40mm -> 32mm -> 40mm. works a treat.

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I have set up a few tanks with this style of overflow. IT WORKS, if you don't belive me come to my house and see. I think the way i have it set up is quiter than a durso. (compare with joeblog durso)

By having an overflow syphon will be quiter than a durso.

My first design which you will be able to see on "new reef tank" thread, has 2 25mm pipes coming out from the back right hand cornor.

The overflow box holds about 3ltr of water and is completly sealed from the main tank. The first over flow has an elbow with a piece of pipe going to the bottom of the overflow box. This is the one that syphons. the second hole has nothing on it, and the water just trickels over.

The over flow box, as per photos. Is only about 15cm high in the back right cornor.

Sweet no noise.

The second, as per the diagram feelers put up, works just as well.

Difference being the holes are in the bottom of tank. one of the holes does not have any pipe pushed in.

The second has about 6inch of pipe.(assuming total height of tank is 12" top of over flow is at 10".

No need to put any taps on this.

If you want to stop the flow turn your pump off.

Sweet no noise.

Both these ways work, just depends where you want your holes drilled.

Heaps cheeper than dursos, and just as safe.

Will through a photo up soon.

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No need to put any taps on this.

If you want to stop the flow turn your pump off.

Be interested to know what you will do if your overflow box starts to leak, which of course will be when it's under most pressure when your pump isn't going.

SteveA has a similar kind of setup but instead has the holes drilled near the top of his tank so the level will only drop a couple of inches, therefore doesn't require taps. His is one of the non-durso setups I like.

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Be interested to know what you will do if your overflow box starts to leak, which of course will be when it's under most pressure when your pump isn't going.

SteveA has a similar kind of setup but instead has the holes drilled near the top of his tank so the level will only drop a couple of inches, therefore doesn't require taps. His is one of the non-durso setups I like.

If your overflow box is made well it has the same chance of leaking as the rest of your tank.

The first overfloe i described (and on my tank) has the holes right up the top aswell.

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