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DONT ALL SHOUT AT ONCE, lol - but all replies welcome.


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I would welcome your opinions on the compatibility of yellow tailed damsels with a pair of clarkii clowns in a 36 x 18 x 18 tank set up fish only.

My aim is to have a small group of one fish variety (say 3 yellow tailed damsels), the pair of clowns and one or two other small individual fish (maybe a pygmy angel and a hawkfish).

Its a short term setup - Im currently living the life of a poor student in full time study (mad bugger at 38 !!! talk about mid life crisis) - and when im back earning proper money I will move on to a larger reef tank.

I just think they are lovely looking fish - chromis can look washed out (although i have seen some stunning ones too). Great colour mix with the deep blue body and yellow tail.

What do you think guys ? Im sure there are some of you who have had this sort of combination so do let me know.

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Hi mid life crisis man...

Aaaahh damsels. The delightful little creatures, can't catch em, can't kill em. Yup, plenty of colour and usually always there to see.

I have two yellow tails in my 90g that haven't given a bit of trouble at all in the 6 months I've had them. Are quite territorial but don't harrass other than when someone gets too close to their patch - only a relatively small area.

Like all fishies - they all have different personalties and behaviours.

Is one of the problems because we introduce them first cause they are so hardy but because of their territorial nature we should introduce them last? But who would then? :-?

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My aim is to have a small group of one fish variety

yellow damsels look good but will not form a group. they will each claim their own territory and defend it. with one in the tank the clowns could move to the other side of the tank, but having 3 or more damsels they could find themselves in a situation of not finding a peaceful corner at all wich could lead to stress in the long run. :-?

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