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Tank size


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OK, looking at a 200L tank - it's more of a frog/turtle tank but thought would be OK... but just had another look and it's only 37cm deep!

Hmph. Are there any breeds that wouldn't deal well with a fairly shallow tank? I've sort of picked out some breeds (nice, hardy fish for me!), looking at some combination of barbs/tetras/swordtails/danios/guppies/maybe a few clown loaches and a couple of blue rams, really want a red finned shark and a plecostomus.

I'm hoping it'll be OK, but just in case. :-?

Thanks! :bow:

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37 tall or 37 wide? youd want to stick to smaller fish then, ones that dont get too big or too tall. that height/width isnt bad at all for your average community considering most only reach 10cm max (bar pleco, if its a common it can reach 50 odd cm so need big tanks).

rams are said to be some of the more delicate fish so youd want to plan the tank around them. theyre very picky about water quality, dont like chemicals or nitrates too much. not sure if you mean those 'albino rainbow sharks' or the red tailed black shark, the latter has been known to snack on little fish like guppies :o

your other fish seem fine, careful of barbs that arent in schools, they can be fin nippers so youd want at least six. lots of options, so many fish to choose aye! gunna be fun stocking your tank and the size seems fine to me!

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Great advice, thanks. :D

37 tall - it's 85 X 64cm around

Apparently red finned sharks are OK, so long as there are no other sharks and there's lots of room to share with other bottom dwellers. Apparently looks a lot like the red tailed black shark, less aggressive. I hope!

Hmm, will look more into the rams. Want to be fairly careful in my choice of fish - I want them to survive! :roll:

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When it comes to the sharks, just make sure you have a well covered tank. If you don't your liable to find a dried out shark outside the tank somewhere. They are jumpers and jump right out of the tank given half a

chance. Mine commited suicide a few months ago and we now have a completely covered tank.

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Good on ya for doing your research and asking questions first, although it can be dissappointing to find that the fish you like the best aren't compatible, or as I keep telling my ten-year-old daughter, you cannot have a pleco in a two foot tank!

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