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Help please!!


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My large goldfish, are at the top of the tank, doing what looks like gasping for air.

I just cleaned it out yesterday thinking Dirty water was the problem, yet they are still doing it.

Tank measures 160 cm diametor. 120 Deep.

Old concrete water tank.

WAter still slightly cloudy but can see bottom.

there is around 16 very large fish in this tank.

Advice Please!! :D

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the water is fresh from the tank (which we drink).

I have aerated it for three to four hours a day, as it a long distance from the power source.

Would flushing the entire tank again help?

Or is constant aeration nessasery?

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Just because you can drink it does not mean your water is safe for fish. However it sounds as though they have been in there for a week or so?

It's a fair volume of water 2400 litres by my calc. However they are big fish. As said above it is likely to be ammonia build up. They really are going to need a filter so that this can be eliminated by the nitrogen cycle.

In the meantime you are going to need daily water changes of 50 percent IMHO.

EDIT And if you stop feeding them til you get it sorted it will help.

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