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I get mine from Brendan, not sure if anyone else does them also, presumably they do.

BTW I've found them very effective, I put in a little less than the recommended amount cos I didn't want to have Mg levels creeping up too high, easier to have it a tad low and manually add a bit of magnesium chloride to the water occasionally. But I hardly ever need to do that.

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because it is only

Magnesium 13.18 % Mg 21.86 % MgO

I presume this is an answer to my question and providing a reason not to use it?

What is MgO? Are you implying that the other 65% comprises bad stuff for the tank or that it simply doesn't address the Mg issue?

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MgO is magnesium oxide

The rest of dolamite is made up of


Composition: Molecular Weight = 184.40 gm

Calcium 21.73 % Ca 30.41 % CaO

Magnesium 13.18 % Mg 21.86 % MgO

Carbon 13.03 % C 47.73 % CO2

Oxygen 52.06 % O

______ ______

100.00 % 100.00 % = TOTAL OXIDE

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For those interested (possibly not many), dolomite is apparently fine to use in Ca reactors in order to maintain Mg levels according to Randy Holmes-Farley. The problem comes in when trying to use it to "raise" Mg levels.

Did a quick search on RC and thought I would share:


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1/2 a litre of 100% magnesium chips cant keep my magnesium levels up so i cant see how dolamite will. maybe on a very small tank with no acros

Your tank is considerably bigger than mine and may be the consequence.

However, it seems to be working fine for me so far. As Randy said, my Alk levels started to take off since I had too much in the reactor. My Mg and Ca also raised slightly. Once I get the Ca media and dolomite ratio right as well as the drip and bubble count, I think it's going to be pretty smooth sailing. 8)

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I've got a bag of dolomite, average size sandwich bag worth. Real fine powdery stuff. Picked it up from a livestock feed store. Don't remember exactly what I got it for. :-? Don't know if you'd want to use it for a marine tank, but you're welcome to it, Pies if you want it.

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JoeBlog i'd be keen to try some domite, where can I get it from?

I actually thought I read somewhere on this forum that someone was using it in their reactor for Mg maintenance, so I thought I would give it a try.

Unfortunately, I got it from a guy (store) that I vowed to never spend another cent with. :evil: I'm sure you can guess which one. :wink:

This stuff isn't powdery like Ira's. I actually had no idea what it looked like when I went to buy some, but they look like regular rocks to me and seem to be doing the trick. I will keep people posted on the progress.

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You can get Dolomite in many forms.. Rocks.. Powder.. Tablets. etc.

Good for raising the Ph.. and for settling the stroppy stallions down when the mares are a bit frisky :)

As Ira says.. Livestock Feed Shops have it... or your local vet may have some if they deals with Rural Areas.


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