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New Plant tank setup. a couple questions


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hey guys,i have a 2ft tank that i want to set up as a mainly planted tank.i am wanting to have lots of plants and a big piece of driftwood.i am wanting to put in it 2 or 3 cobalt blue dwarf gouramis and a couple little bristlenoses.i am also wanting to use some other sort of substrate other than gravel.(in other words i dont want gravel i want something sandy)i am going to make my own yeast co2 injector also.

Q1. is a 2ft x 1ft x 1ft tank big enough for 2 or 3 dwarf gouramis and 2 bristlenoses??


Q2. what can i use for the substrate??.(peat,sand,......)etc.?????

i was thinking peat because it will be good for the plants but will it be ok for the fish.

i think that i have read somewhere that peat lowers PH, and i know CO2 lowers PH and maybe driftwood??

any help would be greatly appreciated

Many thanks :hail::hail::bow::bow: :bounce:



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Hi evilkineaval69.

Sounds like a cool tank.

Your tank will be fine for those fish.

You can get sand from living waters they have a nice sand that i use in my tank, also they have sand enriched with fertilizer which goes underneath the normal sand (otherwise it makes your water go brown).

I see you are in a similar area to me. If you like i can give you some little bristlenoses for free. Just PM me and we can work something out. Living waters is just down the road from me so maybe you could make the trip twice as good :D .



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hey just to let you know a few things.

i went over to antwans house today and he very kindly gave me three little bubba bristlenoses about 1 and a half cm's long.thanks for that anthony.

he also told me about some sand that he uses and told me where to get it so i went and bought a few bags of sand and a few bags of fertiliser sand stuff.

i have put in the fertiliser and the sand and filled the tank up. got the filter and heater going also.

thanks alot guys

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