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Can I do This ?


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I'm setting up a bigger tank for my Lemon Cichlids who are currently in two separate smaller thanks, I have a pair of large adults , 8 young about 2-3cm each and probably 50 fry about 7-8mm each, the fry are currently in with the adults and there is no problem with them being thought of as food by the adults. I want to put them all together but will the move course this to change or is the key the order to which there introduced to the new tank?

I'm making lots of caves and hidey holes some too small for the adults to fit in so hopefully a sanctuary for the smaller fish.

I've read and it seems so that these guys are good parents

What do you guys think?

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i can only tell you what happened to my jags

once you have moved the babies away from the parents thay seam to forget about them and if thay go back in thay are food.younger brothers and sisters also become food for the older ones

i have so many of these fellas i tryed a few things,the only things that i worked out are

letting the parents look after them thins them out but you get only the bigger ones left.

thay grow a littel bit faster, when fed live food(but it cost)

flake and blood worms, a littel bit smaller (a bit chaeper)

flake only, small (cheep)

and the bigger the babies get the naster the dad becomes,take them out and he settels down again

she will lay eggs but he wont have anything to do with it until there is no young in his tank

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