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What filter...


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hi, am new to this. I have 2 fish in a plastic fish bowl with airstone and oxyshell- 10 litres i think. (Partner bought on a whim fortnight ago and novelty worn off for him) Water seems quite cloudy somedays. Its not in direct sunlight. Asked at local petshop but where he bought fish but they weren't too helpful . Should it have a filter and if so what sort shud i get for this? Sorry, but it is completely confusing to me!

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Hi there Elkaal... and welcome to the forums.

There's a welcome section if you care to tell us a bit about yourself :)

Your problem...

You don't say the type of fish you have... nor the size.. but we will presume they are Goldfish.

The best thing you could do with the fish bowl is to empty it... then find another use for it.. as you will have constant problems trying to keep it clean.

And yes... a filter might help the situation.. but long term.. your fish need space.. plus a good surface area .. (which the bowl won't give).. plus they need room to grow.

Water seems quite cloudy somedays

The water "will" be cloudy most days.. as with the small area that you have, the wastes from the fish plus any excess food that doesn't get eaten will cause the water to cloud quickly.

Changing say half of the water each day might slow the problem slightly.. but the real answer is to see if you can pick up a cheap second hand tank (say600x300x300).. which will house the fish a lot better.. and if they become too big.. then you could trade them in for some smaller ones.

A tank has a lot of other benefits.. less Maintenance.. more Visual Appeal.. Space for plants and ornaments.. plus far better conditions for the fish you have.

Have a look at some of the pics of members tanks here to see what I mean.. and you may even decide later to go into tropicals :)


How often are you feeding.. and how much of what...?

Do you do any water changes... if so when... how much...?

What fish are they... approximate size... ?

Asked at local petshop but where he bought fish but they weren't too helpful

No probs... plenty of help here :)

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Feeding Twice a day /tetra flakes (enuf for few mins feeding - partner does, as my idea of a few mins. feeding wud prob kill them! :oops: :oops: :oops:

Water changes have been once/week - approx 15-20% .

Fish are shubunkins (sp?), small 2.5cm approx. as I am terrible at gauging measurements!

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Fish are shubunkins (sp?), small 2.5cm approx. as I am terrible at gauging measurements!

Didn't know they sold shubunkins that small.. but if they are only that size... then they "might" be ok for a week or so if you take care not to overfeed and do partial water changes maybe twice a week.

What area are you in...?

Perhaps someone local might have a cheap tank.

You can edit your profile to show your location... makes this a lot easier. :)


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Didn't know they sold shubunkins that small..

Partner says I definitely need to get glasses as they are 3.5/4cm not 2.5cm! :oops:

Anyway, fish still alive to date; did my first water change (partner did previous) few days ago and i think I was more stressed than the fish!

Also, now have small filter for the bowl (penn plax smallworld brand) which has helped a lot.


What area are you in...?

Perhaps someone local might have a cheap tank.

You can edit your profile to show your location... makes this a lot easier. :)


Am in Wellington region.

Will sort profile out in a few mins.

Thanks for your suggestion to buy a cheap tank but after looking round it was much cheaper to get a tank made to our specs. , 80cm x 40 x 40, rather than buy one second hand.

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Well Welcome to the Hobby of Wellington Aquariests.


thanks! :D

Your better off going under gravel as each time you replace the small world filter it will remove all the good bacteria, just my opinion HTH

Only temporary till we move them to tank... think we are getting an undergravel filter for it.

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