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Start of Helifax's Tank (lots of pictures)


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I have now added 9kg worth of Coral Sand from HFF (bloody expensive at $50 bucks :evil: . I thought it was for a 15kg bag, when I got home and weighed it it was only 9kgs!). Anyway for you other guys, Jansen has 10kg bags for $35.

After adding the sand, 1 1/2 days later I start getting colour coming out of the live rock. Here's a couple of pics.

First pic was on 6/12/05 8:10pm


Second pic was on 7/12/05 6:37pm (tonight)


I hope it is all good :D

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its called silicates and diatoms

:lol: exactly what i thought. certainly not corraline, most definately diatoms. PITA. i hope you thoroughly washed out the sand first in RODI (or salt) water. the better you rinse it the quicker the silicates and diatoms will disappear. a leaching sandbed - a bit like mine at the moment :D

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So is it good :D or bad :( ?

That depends on what you want :D They are harmless but considered unsightly if there is too much.

But as long as you have a decent skimmer they will gradually dissappear as they get skimmed along with the silicates they contain, eventually there will not be enough free silicate left in the tank to keep new ones alive.

But wait there's more - :D , then you get algae and that can be a bigger headache! So much to learn!

That's why people get absorbed, and finally addicted, to this hobby. :lol:

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What resin are you using Pie? And how often are you changing it?

I am using approx 1kg of Aquamedic, which I used to repaced 500ml of Salifert about 6 months ago.

I don't think I need the resin, but it can't hurt. I change it every 9ish months, never because i've felt the need to, just because it 'felt' right.

I also went through a 3 month period of not using it, didn't notice any difference, so maybee it makes none?

I use a DSB which is a pretty effective way to control phosphate, so I could probably not bother, but I figure less phosphate the more is the key.


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