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Cycle slow to start?


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Hi All,

I have a 200l tank which is new. The tank has had water and plants for about 20 days, and fish for about 10 days.

I have 28 small Neon Tetras, and 2 BN cats. I did a 15% water change yesterday, and tested the water (again) PH of 7.2, Amonia, Nitrites, and nitrates all at 0.

I also seem to have a wispy brown algae epedemic happening (it grows in long strings which fan all across the tank) and white algae growing on the suction cups for the heaters.

The fish seem happy enough, very active, etc. I'm concerned that I havent seen any sign of the tank cycling yet - am I too early, of is something preventing my bacteria from getting started? :-?


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Hi Tony

Brown algae is a classic example of NTS, not a great bio load on the tank with the fish you have in there at the moment, keep on with the water tests and changes, you will notice the brown algae disapear reasonably quickly.

As long as the fish are healthy and feeding well, dont worry


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