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New cichlid tank


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Probably my favourite cichlids would be Convicts. They're really neat to keep, they're awesome parents but the only 'problem' is that they're fairly aggressive when breeding. Jewel cichlids would probably be the only other cichlids tough enough to be kept with them then, but bottom feeders like plecos etc would be fine with them too.

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Great site, Aqua. It's especially true what they say about having two pairs in the same tank, I had two pairs of fully grown Convicts (about 15cm each) in a 4ft, they each took half as their territory and defended them doggedly. One pair actually dug a pit behind a rock ornament through the ~5cm deep gravel to the glass beneath, causing the ornament to fall over and create a cave which they then laid in! They're definately role model parents and really interesting to watch.

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