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After a few weeks of using zeovit, people usually notice changes in the colours of corals, without any noticable change in phosphate or nitrate levels.

This could be due to iron causing zooxanthellae to leave, or be push out of the coral tissues. So zooxanthellae densities are reduced, allowing underlying colours of flourescing protiens to become apparent.

It's around this time that people occasionally notice tissue recession.

Possibly from bacterial related problems after iron addition, or boring algae within to coral skeleton, increased by additional iron.

How about this for my theory. The Zeovit reduction in phosphate/nutrient begins almost imediatly, but the zoox is the first effected by the change, as we know coral colour changes quickly in a good/bad environment. So nutrient removal happens quicker on the coral than the coral ability to absorb the nutrients back into its tissue.


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How about this for my theory. The Zeovit reduction in phosphate/nutrient begins almost imediatly, but the zoox is the first effected by the change, as we know coral colour changes quickly in a good/bad environment..


Makes a lot more sense than some other theories I've heard recently

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Thanks Cookie, Yes I'm really lucky with some of the corals I've got, That one takes a good photo, but some of the others are better in person. Not getting as good growth as you, but growth none the less.

Feel like the tank is really coming together now I'm enjoying the hobby more and more, as no doubt you are :D

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