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Lowering PH levels


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Lower is better but unless your trying to breed the Discus they will be fine at PH 7. In fact unless you can get the PH low AND stable you are better off leaving it as is.

If you don't live somewhere with too much smog (like Chc or Akl :lol: ) you could collect rain water and use this for you changes (I found about 50/50 mix with tap water worked for me), rain water is soft and will help bring the PH down.

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Hi Chickybabe,

Discus are perfectly suited to neutral pH (7.0) and there's not much else you need to do aside from the driftwood in the tank and the peat in the filter. Shell/shell grit in the gravel will cause the pH to rise, so you might want to check for that. Otherwise your setup sounds fine.

A few things I wanted to say though. First of all, nice setup! The tank will look marvelous when the plants grow out a bit. Quick question though. What is your Nitrate level? How often do you do water changes? What is the pH of the water (that you're doing water changes with)?

Lastly, have you treated your tank with any meds lately? There's a few copper-based meds that would kill your cory cats and leave the rest of the fish perfectly happy.

Good luck and I hope you find peace soon. Discus are a nervous set-up period but once they're settled in you'll find they're some of the easier fish to take care of. Just keep in mind that they can only tolerate a pH change of 0.2 at one go, so be watchful of that.


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Thanks Blue...

The pH of the tap water is 7.0, I am in auckland.

I havent checked the Nitrate level only nitrite level, will get a test kit today.. I normally do a 20% water change on Tuesday then again on Sunday.

The only thing I have added to the tank in the last few days was some Flourish for the plants, then I lost 2 corys the next day....

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