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Baby Golden Bristlenoses - Thanks to Kim Dunnet


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Hi, I was so excited to find these babies! I noticed yesterday one brown baby bristlenose and just last night when I was cleaning out my filter, I found a few that were hanging around the filter wool! Obviously have been sucked up the in-take. I have now placed a sponge on the inlet.

I have 3 brown bristlenoses and 3 golden bristlenoses. 2 of the golden was specially picked by Kim at her store and the 3rd from the same shop, but with the new owner.

When I had them in their own separate tank, they didn't breed at all. Now in the community tank, they're at it again, and both species at once as the brown and gold are the same size, and under my nose. I didn't suspect anything as the boys were out feeding when I put food in the tank. I know where the brown B has spawned, but I definately don't know where the Golden one has.

Fingers crossed that they will all be fine.

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