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Heater for 143.3L tank


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Do I need two heaters in my tank? I have a Jebo r375 (143.3L) with a 200w heater in there at the moment, and I have 2 discus, 6 cardinals, 4 pepper corys, 5 neons, a couple of chinese algae eaters. ann some live plants, the temperature gauge (digital) says 27 C but not sure if I should have 2 or 1 heater????

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For a discus tank you want temps between 28 and 30 degrees. A 200W heater should be plenty for 143ltrs, so no need to go out and get another, just turn it up another notch. A secondary heater in a tank that size would just provide backup/redundancy and provide peace of mind. We have thermometers on the tank that give off alarms when water temps are too high/low.... which is pointless if no one is around to hear it!

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Yep I have just bought one of the new marina digital temp thingies with alarms for temp high and low. However I will head out to shop tomorrow to get another heater just in case!

also when doing water changes do I have to let the water sit (tap water) for a period of time? Obviously I need to heat it to the correct temp for discus (28C?), Do i test it for anything? Or add anything to the tap water. I generally just chuck it in from the hose, but I am thinking that after shelling out that much for discus today, this may not be such a good idea!!

Also can anyone tell me if it is normal for discus to hide at the back f the tank> I bought 2 home today and one is happy to come out from behind the driftwood now and again but the other one just hides.

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Hi again chicky,

Well, when you bought the discus you got some of the more sensitive fish in the trade. They can only handle a 0.2 pH change at a time (7 being the rpeferable pH) and about a 2C temp change at a time. They stress out easily and will display a different colouration when happy then when upset. Babies are kept at 30C, juveniles at 29 and adultsa can be kept easily at 28.

As for water changes, you'll want to do a 25% water change twice a week with discus and make sure you have VERY good filtration. Water temp should be as close to the tank temp as possible (I use a large bucket with cold tap water, followed by adding hot water until correct) and make sure it's been de-chlorinated using water ager or aqua clear or stress coat what have you. I use a de-chlorinator called "Prime".

Good luck with the discus, they're amazing fish! Oh, DON'T keep them with angel fish as they'll get worms from them very quickly and you'll need to get worm tablets (the kind you use for cats and dogs). Be sure and get lots and lots of books on discus and do your research!

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