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Free - Comet goldfish rehome to experienced fishkeeper AUCKLAND

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I have an approx. 6 years old comet goldfish who I adopted from friends who moved overseas. 

I'm currently renting and also not an experienced fishkeeper by any means, so while I tried to give him a good life in a 65L tank, I'm not in a position to get into fishkeeping as I know he needs to be in a bigger tank or pond.

I'm not actually sure of its sex but just went with 'he'. He's a lively guy, will swim around and follow (basically begging for a feed). Really hardy fish.

Please let me know if you have a suitable environment for my lovely fish to be in. 

I'm also happy to rehome him with his current tank + 2x small driftwood & 1x java fern + tank stand + HOB filter + food + accessories for free.

Thanks so much








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