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FLuval 204 operating...but...


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The attachment hose output thingy (other wise known as a spray bar :lol: )can be in or out of the water depending on how much you want to aerate the water i have mine sitting about 5mm below the surface to create a current but not disrupt the water to much, have a try of both and see what the fish and you prefer.

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Hiya chickybabe, whats the size of your tank again?

Having the output nozzle higher than your water level is "okay" - it creates a high level of surface agitation -greater surface agitation (reduces surface tension) increases the oxygen mixing with the water reaction - a good thing for fish. Not necessarily good if you have lots of natural plants.

Having the water output LOWER than the surface level is not ideal - But is nice and quiet, so often practiced.

Many people prefer having the output at the same level, or just 'slightl' below, the water level. This ensures the surface has ripples/movement, but isnt too noisy, and doesnt make splashes on the hood/lights etc.

Depending on tank size, amount of fish in tank, and amount of real (living)plants int he tank, depends on whether you might want an additional air bubble maker.

Can you give us more info on your tank setup etc?

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Ok will try...

Jebo R375 - 143.3L

in operation for roughly 8 months, 6 neon tetras, a couple of chinese algae eaters.

I have just recently purchased some java ferns and amazonian swords as well, I have a huuuge chunk of driftwood and a few rocks (made into a house!)

I think that covers it!

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