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Angel spawn as well


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Mine have laid there second lot of Eggs this month. (The first lot disapeared after the wife got in the carpet cleaner to clean up after the tank cracked and flooded the room).

So as i was going to replace the tank this weekend my plans have come unstuck (maybe touch wood).

My guys are in a community tank, so far theres no white eggs and both parents seem to be doing a good job of keeping curious fish away as well as fanning the eggs. I'm not going to be able to seperate the eggs from the tank easily as the they have decided to lay on the main pipe out to the external filter.

The other option is that i do have other tanks i can move fish around in (these are mainly gold fish) to depopulate the community tank.

At this stage ANY advice is going to be great advice so if anyone can, advise away.


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Hi Raven,

Good stuff :)

I often keep a small six volt lamp running during the night so that they stay on constant duty. They don't seem to mind this.. especially if other fish are about, which generally doesn't happen with me as they are usually in the breeding tanks, but I still use the small light.

Be wary if you have any Pleco's or such fish in there, as they will clean the eggs up the first time the parents are not watching :)


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Alan asked:

Did you go to the same school as me Bill??

I tried the small light system way back when in the UK.. and it certainly helps attain a higher yeild.

I think it provides a feeling of security for the parents being able to "see" their clutch, and also for the fry, once hatched, to have a central area to congregate under, as the light definitely attracts them to one spot, making it easier for the parents.


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