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need some help with guppies half tail


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I came home today to see my fancy guppy with half a tail.... it is a depresssing sight.. feel so sorry for it and other fish r hassleing it so i put in a breeding net... it can swim.. but its lying on the bottum... does it hae much hope?... or shall i end its misery? :(..... any ideas wot to do with the poor guy...

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Flowing tails are just to irresistable for some fish. I rescued a poor frazzeled guppy from work and put him into the hospital tank - his tail grew back and looked splendid. So I added three females and now I am overrun with the babies. The adults have been sold on. So if you can, I suggest you set him up in his own little kingdom and harem. Best of luck.

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Hi Kellz,

does it hae much hope?... or shall i end its misery?

If it's in obvious distress, and not eating, n not swimming much....euthanasia is an option....

alternatively, if u reckon he's got a chance, u can

1) add some salt. 2 tablespoons per 10L of water. mainly to prevent osmoregulatory failure...

2) chuck in some melafix....it's a bit xxx, but some anecdotal evidence n a ' mini' study by Eric Jonhson from koivet that it might work, improving healing rates etc.....( do a partial water change before u add it).

obviously, u've got to modify his enviro in the longterm to avoid such events again. :D hope he gets better! the next 24 hrs r critical...if he makes it, n appears OK, he'll probably recover.

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