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New Tank


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The new tank came with the stick on thermometer. If I put it on, can it come off?

In the other tank it's one that goes on the inside and I have it at the top on the opposite side/corner of the heater. Where should I put the digital one if I use it....PUT IT WHERE...OH NO :lol: :lol:

I put water in my tank on Saturday turned heater on tonight.

When I go to put fish in...should I get new ones to put in first????

When I went to the store to return the hood, I asked about the heater. They said it is defenitely not submersible :-? She even took one from the box to check. But when I think about it, heat does rise so oh dear :-?

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non-submersible heater? That's a first.... they must not know how to water-proof in Canada :wink:

The stick-on thermometer won't come off once you put it on. Well, it will come off, but you won't be able to use it again. Digital thermometer should go somewhere in the tank that has a good water flow and isn't next to the heater.

Good luck!

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Thanks Blue and Kim :D

Non submersible as far as being able to put the entire heater in (including cord). She told me I had to put it exactly like the directions showed!

The problem where I live is there is only one pet store and one department store that sells fish. Believe me, I have been steered in the wrong direction before :evil: I have only had fish since March & the folks here have been GRRRRRREAT!

Uh...digital the little strip ones...on the inside of the tank...I thought they went on the outside of the tank????

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All heaters are submersible, but most manufactures don't recommend you put the very top under because as the temperature inside the heater changes it can cause the air inside to expand and contract, if the heater top is under water it is possible that when the air contracts (if the tank gets colder, e.g. if theres a power cut) the heater will try and suck water in.

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When I go to put fish in...should I get new ones to put in first????

What do you recommend? Putting in "new" fish or fish from 10 gallon.

I have had the water in since Saturday & added decholinator/chloramine water conditioner, filter...heater in since yesterday (74).

When I first got the 10 gallon I put fish in 3 days later (as per pet store), that was my goldfish and platy.

How long before I can put fish in the 29 gallon?


I can't find a model number for the heater. It came with the tank, now the tank is Regent but the only thing on the box for the heater is:

100 watt aquarium heater, at the bottom of the box there's something in French and an address Aquarium Systems INc., 8141 Tyler Blvd. Mentor, OH. I think you can see the heater in one of the pics.

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I would put a cpuple of fish in every few day (4-5) either new or old ones but give them some time to get accustomed to the new tank water.

I put mine in a bag floating in the new tank, wait 10 mins then add some new tank water to the bag, do this twice then the fish can go into the new tank. I initially put say 500mls in the bag then add 250 and another 250 so the water ends up being half and half.

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Thanks Snowman :bow::bow:

I would not have thought of "acclimating" to the new tank...thank heavens you told me :oops:

So, what fish is recommended for the new tank in addition to more platties and neons?

What about the sex issue? Oh now I don't mean the birds and bees, but I was told in pet store in Halifax that since I have 1 male platty that I would have to add at least 2 females.

I know, for example, that you can't have 2 males Betta's alone. Does this idea apply to most fish? My neons, couldn't tell what they were when I got them, still not sure :o except the pic I posted here one day and was told female carrying eggs. Since I haven't see this in the black neons, I'm guessing their males.

Are some excluded right off the bat because they may eat my neons?

I've been looking on the net trying to see what I can get but I value opinions here :D

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The reason for having 2 females to one male platy is because with just one female the male will harrass her to no end and she'll get pretty stressed out. Bettas are pretty unique in the 'no other males' respect, but even with them if males grow up together they get along in the same tank fine. Your black neons may be females but they just might not be producing eggs right now, due to diet, age, water conditions or any other number of things.

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Thanks Hummingbird :D:bow::bow:

So, excluding betta's... you can put males/males or females/females? You don't have to have males/female combo :-?

I can have 2/3 males platties then?

My neons are the smallest of my fish...trying to find out who might eat them. Is it pretty much anything that is bigger than them? I know that angel's think of them as food.

I would not have thought of "acclimating" to the new tank

I mean forgot...gee...don't want you to think I don't do that :o

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