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recommend some fish food please


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I have 2 danios, 2 spotted corys, and 2 guppies, all less than an inch long per fish. (tropical noah's ark, lol.)

I read that flake food doesnt have long shelf life and so am looking for pellet food for these fish. Inevitably even 1oz will go several fish lifetimes. They will happily eat my betta's food (and the bloodworms), but I think I need to get them tropical staple food.

Can anyone recommend a staple slow sinking pellet food that will work with these tiny mouths? And ones that are good for feeding at all levels so my bottom feeders dont get starved? And ones that are also sold in Canada? (Shipping costs makes it negligible to purchase online, except for bigalsonline.com).

And what should i look for in terms of nutritional value? Many products have those percentage charts but not surewhat is right for my fish.

And what to do if the fish are picky about the pellet foods?

Any advice and help will be appreciated, thank you so vrey much.

- Pdx

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Flake food would be fine for those fish, even the corys will get some, Spirilina tablets are always good for corys, and the other fish aswell. Bloodworms are better, frozen and live foods are great for all fish.


Flake food goes through cory's gills. They will eat them, then it exhales through its gills and it rejects it. :( I think I have picky eaters. :( Are corys omnivores?

Can't keep feeding them all bloodworms as they need a staple food. :( Are pellets bad for fish?

- Pdx

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