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Missing Neon - PLEASE HELP


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LOL! Trust me to get off topic...what i was going to say is...i have no algae eaters at present....just a couple of cute bronze corydoras in one of my small tanks...... my favourite fish of all time a peppered cory, died a couple of weeks ago.....

anyway...i need some algae eaters...particularly for the diningroom tank which houses most of my fish now the main tank is away for repairs.... I just put the main tank filter on in the dining tank today to help out the filter i had running there...and to keep the bacterias doing their thing for when the main tank comes back....today was very exciting because the man that came to replace our electric stove with another second hand one also had the size tubes i needed for my fish tank lights that i have been totally unable to get in south canterbury....all my tanks now have light! woohoo.

The only fish i will be buying in the near future are corys/plecos/bristlenoses...... (its so exciting)!

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Hey Shelley

Another cool pet shop with heaps of fish stock and some different ones than usual (sometimes) is Pet World in Christchurch on cnr Ferry Road & Smith Street. I got two glass angels from there, hadn't seen them in any other pet shop in Chch and I also saw a puffer fish suitable for a tropical tank. They also have the usuals and they are pretty reasonably priced too.

I agree about plecos, I had a bristlnose plec for 3 years, he was great, called sucky (surprise, surprise) was gutted when he died, had a heater malfunction and temperature went up to 38 degrees while I was at work, came home to him and all my neons dead. Luckily didn't kill all my fish.

I now have a female bristlenose plec called scraper, she is just as cool, not quite as territorial about her spirulina disc as he was though!! :lol:

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Yes I've been in that fish shop and it is quite good. They had some very reasonably priced young discus there. The younger/junior staff fell over themselves trying to be helpful.....but I think the head lady must have been having a bad day on the two occasions I visited....Service is such a big thing....hell I hate being made to feel guilty when I go looking at fishies.....Decent staff has got to equal decent sales...or so i would think. She is lucky her staff outweigh her own lack of enthusiasm. Cute wee pet store. Love the kitten and puppy houses ;)

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